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Official: China stands for international cooperation

Official: China stands for international cooperation to fight crime 

VIENNA, April 16 -- China's representative to the 18thsession of the UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Chen Xunqiu, said on Thursday in Vienna that countries should strengthen international cooperation in the fight against crime.

Chen, China's deputy minister of justice, said at the session that with the development of globalization and the impact of the current financial crisis, transnational organized crime, corruption, terrorism and other forms of crime got increasingly severe, resulting in a great threat to global peace and development, as well as social stability.

He pointed out that in the fight against these crimes, the international community should not merely combat them separately, but should further enhance cooperation and strengthen the prevention-oriented measures.

He believed that to be effective in preventing and combating transnational organized crime, it is necessary to enhance cooperation in the international community in a comprehensive way.

Thus, he called on UN member states to accelerate ratification of relevant international conventions, including the "Convention against Transnational Organized Crime" and the "Convention against Corruption."

Chen also introduced the measures taken and results achieved by the Chinese government in the field of combating and preventing crime, improving the legal system, and promoting international cooperation.

He stressed that the Chinese government attaches great importance to the fight against corruption, and the country's criminal laws have been significantly amended.

China has ratified the "Convention against Transnational Organized Crime" and the "Convention against Corruption" of the United Nations. In addition, the country has acceded to 25 multilateral treaties in the area of international judicial cooperation, said the deputy minister.

 (Source :Xinhua)

日期:2011-01-11 16:27

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